The Almohads originating from modern day Morocco, although founded by a man originating from Algeria[65] known as Abd al-Mu'min would soon take control over the Maghreb. During the time of the Almohad Dynasty Abd al-Mu'min's tribe, the Koumïa, were the main supporters of the throne and the most important body of the empire.
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The Barbary pirates preyed on Christian and other non-Islamic shipping Per mezzo di the western Mediterranean Sea.[85] The pirates often took the passengers and crew on the ships and sold them or used them as slaves.[86] They also did a brisk business Durante ransoming some of the captives. According to Robert Davis, from the 16th to 19th century, pirates captured 1 million to 1.25 million Europeans as slaves.[87] They often made raids on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to sell at slave markets in North Africa and other parts of the Ottoman Empire.
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On this Wikipedia the language links are at the apogeo of the page across from the article title. Go to cima.
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A deeper analysis of the vocabulary, however, shows that could be a consequence of a prolonged Latin domination of the coastal and plain areas of the country, rather than evidence of the original environment Con which the Albanian language was formed. For example, the word for 'fish' is borrowed from Latin, but not the word for 'gills' which is native. Indigenous are also the words for 'ship', 'raft', 'navigation', 'sea shelves' and a few names of fish kinds, but not the words for 'sail', 'row' and 'harbor'; objects pertaining to navigation itself and Abspritzen a large part of sea fauna. This rather shows that Proto-Albanians were pushed away from coastal areas Con early times (probably after the Latin conquest of the region) and thus lost a large amount (or the majority) of their sea environment lexicon.
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"...such sporadic analogical cases do not reverse the generally acknowledged conclusion that this dialectal peculiarity as a phonetic process has appeared Con pre-Slavic period of Albanian and is relatively more ancient than the rhotacism. It has most probably appeared not later than the V-VI centuries A.D."
^ Orel 2000, p. 23: "Latin loanwords are of extreme importance for the history of Albanian phonology, especially its vocalism. The duration of the borrowing was so long that loanwords reflect several distinct chronological stages." ^
However, as Fortson notes, Albanian written works existed before this point; they have simply been lost. The existence of written Albanian is explicitly mentioned Per a letter attested from 1332, and the first preserved books, including both those Sopra Gheg and Per Tosk, share orthographic features that indicate that some form of common literary language had developed.[61]